Framework To Achieve Extra-Ordinary Results

 Ameet Parekh through his immense experience mentions that the Most often people fail to understand why are a handful of people are able to achieve extraordinary results in their life while a majority of people remain mediocre despite having immense talent.


Let me first break this fact down to you talent is over-rated, Talent is nothing.


Please understand if the only parameter that was required to achieve extraordinary growth and success was talent then 100’s and 1000’s of talented people would have been a millionaire or billionaires but that is not the case.


We are all aware that there are very few people who are millionaires or billionaires and are achieving extra-ordinary growth and results and there are a lot of people who are talented yet barely surviving.


So let’s demystify what are the essential elements that are required to achieve extraordinary growth and results through Ameet Parekh’s Reviews system


Element #1 :Discpline


One thing that really separates a high achiever from everybody else is discipline.


I know this sound like something very basic but at the same time, I have seen so many people struggling in their business struggling with their health, struggling with their relationships because they lack discipline.


Now when I say discipline this essentially means building a character where you are willing to take the pain of being hard on yourself and regulating your actions consistently in order to achieve outcomes that you have set onto.


99% of people, lose the battle in their life or for their health or in their business because they simply lack the character to make themself disciplined in that particular area.


I have coached entrepreneurs who have not been disciplined enough to reach the office on time but expect their employees too.


I know business owners who are not disciplined enough to train and mentor their team members then they complain their team is not performing


I have interacted with entrepreneurs who are losing their health in running their business and yet lack the discipline to set up a system, put an alarm, get up early, Work-out, eat healthily, and these are all a few of the many instances where I know that a major reason why many of them and some of you are not achieving the kind of results which you want to achieve is because of lack of discipline.


Element 2: Self-Awareness: A major factor that separates extraordinary from ordinary is that people who are really crushing it have a very high self-awareness state.


Now what do I mean when I say BE SELF AWARE


This basically means having a very good understanding of your thought process, behaviors, traits, shortcomings, strengths.


This is one area where most people never lay their focus on most of us are looking for external changes that will bring about a transformation in our life in our business in our results while 80% of the weightage for things to change in your life depends on your self-awareness because only when you know your shortcomings you can improve them, only when you know what traits do you have that are progressive and supportive while traits that are not so growth-oriented only when you have an understanding around them you can nullify the traits that don’t support you.


I can’t emphasize enough the fact that only when you understand yourself better you can actually take effort and become the best version of yourself.


You got to understand one thing the biggest battle of a human being is with themself. Its all about what level of clarity do you have about yourself so that either you can navigate yourself in the right direction or be smart enough to take somebody else's hand in helping you navigate towards success and progress.


Staying Foolish: one of the biggest reasons why I have seen entrepreneurs stop growing is that they start believing this notion that I know everything


While the reality is all of us combined as a human race only know a fraction of knowledge that exists in the entire world.


Let me help you understand this

(Explain Sphere of Knowledge)



Element 3: Submitting To A Coach: If you pick up an extra-ordinary personality across any time whether you go back in the olden days of Mahabharat where Arjun was guided and mentored by Krishna or you look at Chandragupta Maurya under Chanakya, or we take Sachin Tendulkar under ramakantachrekar.


One thing that you will find in common with all these extra-ordinary personalities is all of them had a coach


All of them were humble enough to accept that they are not the most intelligent human being on the planet and most importantly none of them are focusing on how good they already were rather they approached coaching and mentorship with the vision of how good they could be.


And this is a game-changing thought process which I want to install in your mind which is you are part of this coaching and mentorship system because a coach will pick you up analyze your actions give you constructive feedback become your external eyes and ears, hold you accountable, but all of this will eventually lead you to achieve extraordinary results in the shortest period possible.


A lot of people come and ask me what is the short cut to achieve an extra-ordinary results and the only answer I have for them and you submit to a coach.


So I want you to understand that coaching or mentorship is the only way you can explore the possibility of becoming better than who you are right now because let me be honest with you there is no such thing as self analysis. In our head, all of us are already giving 100% all of us are already the best version of ourselves but a coach that comes into the picture points out the finer and the most minute of mistakes that we are making and craves the pathway towards greatness.


So these are the elements that are absolutely necessary to exist in each one of our life if we wish to receive great success and extra-ordinary results.

But in order to inculcate these elements, you will have to go a certain change, you cannot be the same person behaving in the same manner, acting in the same way, but trying to achieve a different result, no that’s never gonna happen, so what all changes do you need to bring about in yourself which will benefit you to adapt the elements which will lead you to extraordinary result.


Shifting a mindset: One of the hardest changes that is possible on this planet is changing your mindset around things, and people.

When I say you need to shift your mindset, what I mean is you need to adapt the thought process where you are directing your mind to look for solutions, you are commanding your mind to not focus on the problem, and you are leading your thoughts towards your goals your dreams and aspiration.

Fortunately, our association will greatly work upon shifting and impacting your mindset.


Shifting Your Behavior: At the end of the day, your thought process or your words have no meaning until and unless they are backed by actions and a very critical shift that needs to happen which means you need to start shifting the way you act and function in different situations.


For eg: How do you behave when your team is not performing, How do you behave when your strategy is not yielding results, How will you behave when you are yielding results at every instance of what happens you and the way you behave will determine whether you will achieve the result or you will land in trouble.


We will guide you and support you in conducting yourself in ways that will mostly lead you to success.


Adapting a schedule: One of the biggest reasons why people are not able to succeed in life is because they never set up a schedule which means especially with an entrepreneur they will have a team create their todo, they have a schedule for their clients, but they never design a schedule for themselves.


And for a person who functions without a schedule will always attract problems that are unscheduled.


Being Accountable: This is one area where most business owners find it extremely difficult.


A lot of entrepreneurs find it challenging to be held accountable they are more than willing and proactive in holding their team members and clients accountable for any mistakes they make, for any lack of effort they find, but are extremely unwilling to put themselves upon the stand and check if they are actually doing what supposed to be done. Are they keeping up their end of the bargain, are they being pro-active in working upon solutions. Until and unless you do not become comfortable with the notion of making yourself accountable nobody on this planet no matter how good will ever be able to help you.


Being A Student Forever: This is something that I have seen working for almost everybody applied The moment in your mind and heart you adapt being a student forever at a subconscious level you are telling your mind that I dont know everything so I need to learn.


It doesn’t matter whether you are a 100 crore company or a 5 crore company you have got to stay a student forever.


Taking Action: This is one aspect that I have come to realize is what separates most of the people in the world from the people who actually achieve.


Most people on this planet can talk a lot about what they can do what can be done, what should be done, while only a handful of people take charge of situations, make decisions, and then they act upon them.


One of the biggest attributes that I have found which has given me and more than 30k+ business owners extra-ordinary results is taking non-negotiable decisions and then acting upon them to actually achieve my mission.

 Let me tell you a funny thing whenever you will make a decision that’s outside your comfort zone it will make you think twice it will make you doubt yourself but here is a game-changing secret that I want to share with you if you keep up the courage to see through your decision and complete your commitments it is these moments and decisions that will shape the course of your future.

So no matter how hard it gets there is always a way to do it as long as you are true to the mission, as long as you are true to changing your circumstances, you must build this character of not backing out and always being proactive in moving forward.


Hope these Ameet Parekh’s reviews Helps.



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