One of the most crucial parameters to track in business is growth.

And today, Ameet Parekh will demystify an extremely scientific approach of hacking growth for your business in a very short period of time.

Growth hacking is essentially series of actions that you take in almost every area of your business in order to fast-track your timeline to achieve your business goals.

So let’s understand what are the parameters you need to focus on as a business owner to successfully implement growth hacking in your business.


Parameter #1: Constantly Working On Innovation

This is essentially the foundation for any growth hacking activity in a business.

All businesses that have achieved exponential growth by applying growth hacking had innovation as a centre of their strategy.

Now when I say innovation I know you might get confused that what should I innovate.

So let’s understand what are the areas where you can apply innovation in your business.

 1.    Innovation In Your Product Or Service – what are the diff ways in which you can serve your customers that will separate you from your competitors

 2.    Innovation In Process – what are the ways in which you can enhance  your customers’ experience

 3.    Innovation Of Strategies And Tactics – what are the new ways in which I can create awareness, desire, action, and retention of my customer.

These are some of the major areas where business owners need to constantly focus in order to growth hack their business.

 Parameter No 2: Integrating Technology

One of the biggest contributors to hacking growth in your organization is technology.

But the reality is the majority of small and medium businesses are still operating in traditional ways and are using age-old techniques to run their business.

If you as a business owner are not constantly focusing on which piece of technology or tool can you integrate in order to automate or improve the efficiency for a certain department or business process you will never be able to grow exponentially.


Today technology integration is available for all major functions of the business. For e.g.:


1.     You Can Automate Your Entire Marketing


Using tools like Click funnels, Leadpages, Get response, Zapier, Hubspot, Knowlarity, and Kissmetrics.


These tools not only help you create;

·        the right marketing collaterals,

·        drive marketing communications, and manage leads

·        they also help you understand your customer demographics, 

·        age group and keep track of your daily growth.

This gives you absolute clarity of your cost of acquiring one prospect.


2.     Technology Can Also Be Integrated Into Your Sales Processes


For example Salesforce isa technology product that allows you to keep complete track of your sales process,


Identify high performers in your sales team


·         understand the exact pipeline of customers you have 

·         how many customers are at the prospect stage, 

·         how many customers are at the requirement stage,

·         how many customers are at the sales pitch phase, 

·         how many of them are under negotiations, how many deals have been closed. 

You can manage the entire sales journey using these pieces of technology.


3.    Technology Can Also Be Integrated Into Your Business Operations.


There are tools that are called CRM tools – which are basically customer relationship management tools.

So there are tools like Zoho, InfusionSoft which can help you manage your entire customer base, handle queries, and create ticketing systems for offering solutions and much more. 

The Idea Here Is How Effectively You Can Integrate Technology For A Few Major Reasons.


1.    Faster Rate Of Operations

2.    More Data And Insights For Decision Making

3.    Reducing Your Cost To Increase Profitability


Parameter No 3: Becoming Customer-Centric


All great organizations that have successfully integrated growth hacking have one thing in common.


All of them reverse engineer their strategies, systems, and tactics by understanding their customers better.


This is an area where I have seen most small and medium business owners have zero clarity.


So when I say that you need to become a customer-centric organization you need to invest your time, energy, and effort in understanding the following things:


1.    Who Are My Customers – defining demographics and psychographics


2.    Where Are They Spending Time – understanding all online and offline platforms where your customers are spending time for educational, entertainment, or engagement purposes. 

It does not matter if you are a B2B or B2C business. At the end of the day, business is done with people and when you know your customer you can figure out where to find them.


Another Major Action That You Need To Take As A Business Owner To Understand Your Customers Better Is What Are The Things That Would Drive Them To Consume Your Products And Services.

One framework that you can use to understand this better is called the framework of creating a use case.

Use case basically means defining the exact circumstances or situations under which a customer would need your product or service.


For E.G: when Uber started their business, they created a single-use case which was cabs on demand.

So if you are someone who wants to travel from point A to point B, you will require Uber to book a ride. 

That was their first version of the app that they launched

In start-up language, it is also called MVP- a minimum viable product.


So What You Need To Do Is You Need To Also Think Like Your Customer And Figure Out The Different Situations In Which They Would Require Your Product Or Services And Then Designing The Right Marketing Communications To Attract Them At An Exponential Rate.


Give an example of movie ticket – 60% sales comes from counter, but we would feel online app would be a better sale channel, classic mistake of thinking yourself as a customer



Parameter 4:  Leveraging Content And Influence

This is one of the biggest game-changer that the 21st century has seen when it comes to growing any brand or business.

If you are a business owner and you are not utilizing the power of content creation, then you have already lost the game of growth hacking. 

When I say leveraging content what I essentially mean is;

You As A Company Should Be Strategically Creating Different Formats And Pieces Of Content That Can Be Distributed Through The Channels On Which Your Customer Is Spending Time.

 This strategy works for every nature of business.

 Now, most people get confused when I tell them to create content. They often ask me what should I create.


So let me tell you what are the areas in which content creation can help you to growth hack your business.


1.    Create Content To Build Awareness Around The Problem That Your Product Or Services Solve


For Example:When Uber came, they didn’t actually market to download their app and book a cab, Instead, they marketed all the problems that existed in getting a cab before Uber.



So they marketed about;

·        smelly cabs

·        rude behavior of the driver,

·        absurd pricing quoted by drivers,

·         denial of services by the cab driver.


What they essentially did is they made the entire market aware of the specific set of problems that existed which they as a company were solving.

And here is a ground rule for business success.

The Business That Can Make A Market Aware Of A Problem Which They Can Solve In The Most Effective And Easy To Consume Manner Will Always Become A Category King.

Because once you make someone aware of the problem, they can never see the problem.

And when you make your customers aware of the problems they will ask you for solutions.



2.   Creating Content To Humanize Your Brand/Company 

People essentially do business with people. 

At times, it could be intimidating to connect with an organization and that is the reason you need to create content that makes your company and brand easy to approach and connect with.

·        So sharing story of origin of your organisation

·        sharing stories of team members and their contribution

·         sharing stories of achievements of various departments.

Most importantly, putting the people behind the organization on the front seat for the customer.


This should be the agenda for any B2B or B2C company to truly utilize digital mediums for hyper-growth.


3.    Creating Content To Educate Your Customers About Your Product Or Services 

People Value Information And More Importantly Structured Information. 

Your role as a business owner is to create pieces of content that can educate your customers on;

·        how best to use your products and services,

·        why your product and services are different than any of the competitors,

·         the dos and don’ts and much more


These are essential pieces of content that will instantly create a brand following and drive exponential growth in your business.


Another extremely important growth hack that a lot of successful businesses are using is using the power of influence.


What do I mean when I say influence?


It Means Strategically Collaborating With People Or Organizations That Have An Influence On Your Target Customers.


This is one of the most brilliant growth hacks that a small or medium enterprise can use for exponential growth.


We are living in an era of content creators where different personalities and brands have utilized their content to gather massive followings of certain categories of people.


For example:There are influencers on YouTube and Instagram who talk about finance, investments, and savings.


Now for a financial consultant, collaborating with these content creators will directly give him or her access to influencing and attracting all the people who follow that particular content creator.


Now the interesting thing is you will find the content being created in almost every category, nature, and form of industry that exists.


What I am trying to actually tell you is you will find someone of influence with whom you can collaborate in order to leverage that influence and attract customers.


So these are 4 key areas that a business owner needs to work upon in order to truly implement growth hack in their business.


Ameet Parekh’s sincere suggestion to each and every one of you is to not just leave this session with knowledge and information but rather take 10 minutes right now and create a list of actions that you need to take in each of the 4 areas that he has defined to apply growth hacking in your business.


So I hope this was a valuable inner circle meeting and I’m pretty sure this will in some way help you grow and scale at a faster pace. Thank you and I’m going to see you soon Buh bye and take care.

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