Good afternoon everyone and welcome to the next episode of business on chai.
As usual Ameet Parekh will discuss something that will help you build a more profitable and scalable business.
And today we will talk about something that is a pain in almost all business owner’s life
People Come And Then They Leave
And you are hung out for dry
And Ameet Parekh will try to understand why that happens
So Here Are The Top Reasons Why People Leave From Any Business
#1) Handling Too Many Responsibilities
now here is one of the big reasons why people leave
because they are given too many responsibilities to take care of
now I know this is something many of us have been told that you should be good at multitasking but when it comes to professional tasks
Any Employee Handling More Than 4 Responsibilities Will Always Lead To Disaster in Their Job Role
and this is one of the big reasons why people want to get out of jobs when they are held accountable to more than 4 tasks
so, a Mastery Tip Would Be Do Not Give More Than 4 Responsibilities To An Employee In Any Job Role
#2) Do Not See Personal Growth
Today people do not come to work for money or roti or kapda or makan
This has been taken care by their ancestors
They come to work for lifestyle, for personal growth, for better responsibilities
The Moment An Employee Feels The Work They Are Handling Is No Longer Contributing To Their Personal Growth As An Individual, They Will Think Of Leaving
Because there nothing that is challenging them to perform better
Or to feel they have achieved something
This doesn’t mean you give them herculean task that they can never complete
But a Mastery Tip Would Be- Every Employee Should Be Allotted Tasks And Responsibilities That Makes Them Feel They Are Learning Something New And Growing
#3) They Do Not Feel Appreciated or Credited for Their Contribution
This is another critical factor that drives attrition in organizations
Every one of us As Human Beings Desire Appreciation For Our Efforts
We want others to appreciate us & give us credit when we do something good
But unfortunately, in most corporate and business culture people more often told what they did wrong and rarely appreciated for what all they are doing right
And this is a big Internal reason that leads people to leave an organization
Mastery Tip: Create Systems To Recognize And Reward Hard Work & Sincere Efforts Of Your Team To Give Them A Feel That You Or The Company Appreciates Them For What They Are Doing
#4) Feeling of Underpaid & Overworked
Now This Is Another Critical Factor That Leads To Numerous Good Employees Leaving Businesses
They work hard
They produce results
But they are not paid well
The company culture is right, they feel appreciated which why they are still working but
In the long run if you do not pay, your Aplayers well
Instead of focusing on producing results for you they will focus on the next job that can pay them well for what they do
Now I am not saying you pay them whatever they ask
Mastery Tip: Create a Career Growth Path for Them
Keep it crystal clear on what action or results will lead them to next level of financial growth in the organization
#5) Work for a Boss Not with a Leader
This Is One Of The Biggest Reasons Why Most People Leave Organizations
Nobody Likes To Work For A Boss, Who Tells Them What to Do & What Not To Do
Now what are the attributes of a boss:
Who comes around tells them what to do & micromanages each and every aspect of the job
Makes them feel they are not good at their job by constantly being critical of their work
Doesn’t supports them from the front or on the ground
Never gives them credit for their hard work & results
Doesn’t takes an effort to know their own people
Is always transactional in behavior
Doesn’t stands up for them when the time comes
While a Leader:
Makes the person come up with what should they be doing
Always appreciates their hard work & gives constructive feedback in when they go wrong
If need be, comes and supports the team on the ground
Gives them credit & appreciation for their results
Takes effort to know the people working with him/her
Goes above and beyond the general rules of engagement in a work environment to help, support & lead their people
If as a business owner, you can avoid these 5 major mistakes
You will always have an efficient & committed team who will move earth and moon to drive results for the company
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