Ameet Parekh Review | How To Make your Team Fall In Love With You!

One major issue that MSME business owners face is that first they are unable to find good people and if and when they do, they don't know how to retain them.

 Today Ameet Parekh Review will be sharing a framework on how you retain your team members and make them fall in love with you.

All of us as business owners desire that we get people in our team that are driven, passionate and are willing to go the extra mile but we never focus on what needs to be done to have a team that sticks with you through thick and thin.

 So today, let’s understand what we need to do as business owners to make our team fall in love with yourself

1.   Know Your Team Better


Building a Team is like nurturing a relationship and for any relationship to be long lasting and successful the first step is to know each other well

And in this scenario you as a business owner need to understand a couple of aspects of your team members.

1.   What are the likes and dislikes ?

2.   What are they passionate about ?

3.   What are their personal ambitions?

4.   What is the growth that they are looking for in your organization?

 You need to understand the first rule of leadership is to know your people, you cannot lead the people you don't know.

 Take 5 mins and plan how and when will conduct the team growth goal process and get this details from them to lead them better?


One of the strategic reasons why you would want to do this is that this information will help you in offering them roles and responsibilities that are in alignment with what they are looking for.

This is the first step that any business owner needs to set right.


 3.   Make them your Growth Partner

The next essential element in making your team fall in love with you is by involving them in the growth & success of business.

 Let me simplify this for you

 You need to set a culture where you help your team members to understand that they can achieve their desired growth and success when they contribute to the growth of the business, because you need to make them understand it is the business which is the vehicle that will lead you as a business owner, your team and your customers towards higher success and growth.

 And you also must make them understand that if their contribution will lead to the growth of the business that by default will lead to them to grow higher and higher.

 Once your team understands this concept that their aspiration and growth relate to the business growth.

 Everybody in the organization will always focus on business result to be the priority number 1 and then everything else, because now they have a vested interest in making the business grow faster.

This is the classic example of how you make your team your partners in growth.

 Take 2 mins and write down what contribution do your immediate subordinates have to do to align them with business growth and then ask them to do the same for their subordinates


4.   Offering Them Clarity

 Now once you have done the first two pieces one essential element that leads to most people leaving in organization is not having clarity of their roles and responsibility in the company.

And here is what Ameet Parekh have discovered that no matter how talented or skilled or knowledgeable a person is, if you have not given them a clarity of what is expected out of them then even the best of people leads to pathetic results

 Helping people understand what they are supposed to do and deliver gives them a clear area of focus and helps them direct their efforts in producing results more efficiently.

 They say clarity leads to action and action leads to results.

 So, if you wish your people to stay, make sure you help them very clearly understand what are their roles and responsibilities in the organization so they know that they are well placed and have a unique role to contribute in the company.

 Giving them clarity also gives them the sense of contribution which is a very critical parameter to stay working in the organization.

 Write Down Who are the top 5 people you need to offer role clarity to start improving their performance



5.   Mentoring Feedback and appreciation

Once you have given them the clarity of their roles and responsibilities it is also important that you contribute to helping them become more efficient.

So, if you look from an employee perspective, there are a couple of factors that makes them stay and continue in the organization.

Personal, and professional growth is one of the biggest elements that most people focus on,

 which means as a business owner it is your responsibility to mentor them, or guide them and give them feedbacks, so that they have a sense of feeling that they are growing and learning as a professional.

 And one thing over the years that Ameet Parekh have understood about retaining people is just you don't want to improve them in their professional life,

 you also have to help them grow personally as a human being which means pushing them, helping them in managing challenging situation, guiding them in improving their attitude and approach is a very critical piece that makes people feel that they are growing as an individual and as a human being which makes them stay and stick to you

 So, you need to focus on growing your people holistically which means working on their behavior, attitude, their adversity quotient, on their emotional intelligence and all of this will make them feel that someone is mentoring and guiding them to become a better version of themself.

 Take 5 minutes to create a plan to grow your team holistically either via conversations or interventions or some method where you can work on improving their personal and professional life.


6.   Offering Them the Deserved Growth

 The last piece which is important in making your people stick to you and fall in love with you is helping people grow in their finances, in their position, in their responsibilities and in their contribution.

See the bottom line is everybody is looking for individual growth, gone are the days where people used to join an organization simply to have a source of earning and basic needs like roti kapdamakan

 today people join a workforce or an organization with a personal ambition for growing in all areas of their profession which is better salary better bonuses, better appraisals, better responsibilities, better designation.

So, your role as a business owner is to prepare a proper career growth plan for all your team members so that you can offer them their deserved growth which is a big motivator in making people stay and stick to you.

The last thing that you would want to do is instead of your people focusing on their work they focus on finding another job which gives them better growth,

 so you’ve got to make sure that you play your role as a business owner efficiently and create a proper plan for growth for all your employees which can give them a clarity that there is future growth for them in your ogranisation.

 Take 5 minutes to prepare a proper career growth plan for all your team members so that you can offer them their deserved growth

 So, these are few areas where you as a business owner can focus and Ameet Parekh guarantee you if you follow each of these elements you will have a team which is like an army which means high in commitment, high in results and they will stick to you no matter what.

Hope you find this valuable


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